Photographing a wedding is serious business and can require a lot of gear to do it right. Downtime means missed moments. Part of what you pay for when hiring a professional photographer is the use of any and all of the equipment necessary to create beautiful photographs in any situation.
This is what you'll most likely see:
PC: Jamie Lewis
This is what you most likely won't see:
PC: iPhone... lol. The 48" octaboxes look cool all opened up but they didn't fit in the photo like that so they're all in a heap in the back right corner.
As I was packing up for tomorrow's wedding I thought to take a picture of the stuff I was bringing since I've never done that before :D This is the typical gear I take with me to shoot a wedding. No, I don't always use it all, but when I need something it's there.
There's a lot of value in knowing that your wedding photographer has the right equipment for the job and backup equipment in case problems arise.
When you hire Spencer Henze Photography for your wedding you get the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your photographer is prepared with top quality gear and knows how to use it well.